Awards & Accolades

Due to his efforts and dedication, he has been awarded several awards such as
Electropathy Samrat of India
Mattei Ratna Award,
Yugvir Excellent
and many other prestigious awards.

Judiciary Orders:
Although there is a Constitutional Law U/s 19 (1) (g) that every citizens have right to do or profess any work or business in the interest of general public. Except this, large number of orders passed by bottom to top level courts in favor of this system as well as NEHM of India. Details are already available on the record of it as achievement. Some main and important / remarkable / historical judgments passed by Judiciary as well as Government are depicted below and on behalf of that NEHM of India is standing today for development of this system:

Order of Civil Judge, Tis Hazari Court Delhi dt. 14-08-1992
Sh. P.K. has in, Addl. Distt. Judge, Tis Hazari Court, Delhi had passed an order (Suit No.27 of 1992, NEHM of India Vs Delhi Administration & Union of  India) restraining the  defendants from issuing any public notice concerning the activities of the plaintiff as has been done in the form of public notice dt. 09-07-1992.

Delhi High Court Order FAO No.205/92 dt. 18-11-1988.
Hon’ble Delhi High Court while delivering the judgment in FAO No. 205/92 Delhi Govt. & Union of India Vs NEHM of India on 18.11.98, the Delhi High Court has ordered that NEHM of India may issue Diploma/Certificates and holders of such Diploma/Certificates are entitled to practice in Electropathy systems of  medicines on the strength thereof.

Supreme Court of India order SLP No.11262/2000 dt.24-11-2000
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India at New Delhi dismissed the S.L.P. filed by the   Union of India and Delhi Govt. Challenging the order FAO No. 205/92 of Hon’ble Delhi High Court dt. 18.11.98. The Hon’ble Court has re-affirmed/ maintained the status-quo of the High Court order.

Allahabad High Court order dt. 05-09-1991 and 29-10-1991.
Hon’ble Allahabad High Court directed the Union of India to recognize the BEMS course run by NEHM of India within 3 months on the basis of the Expert Committee Report as well as the authorization order of Dy. Health Minister, Govt. of India.

Allahabad High Court order CMWP No.31904/91 dt.03-08-2009.
Hon’ble High Court of Allahabad (U.P) disposed of  Writ  Petition No. 31904 of 1991 directing the Union of India that the petitioner (NEHM of India) may file a fresh representation before the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, bringing on record the various orders passed by various High Courts and that of the Supreme Court. If such a representation is made with regard to recognition of the course, the authority will consider and decide the matter to recognize BEMS course run by petitioner i.e. NEHM of India by a reasoned and speaking order within six months from the date of the production of a certified copy of this order along with the representation. If necessary, the petitioner would be accorded personal opportunity of hearing by the respondents.

ORDER OF HON’LBE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA (SLP CIVIL No. 23572/2009 &  29919/2011 dt. 22-01-2015) 
While disposing of above SLP , Hon’ble Supreme court of India has ordered that in view of the Counter Affidavit filed by the Union of India, to the effect that there is no ban on the medical practice of Electropathy,  … It is also submitted that Circular dt. 5th May, 2010 is also on similar lines. In this case practitioners was affiliated and qualified & registered with NEHM of India.

Tamilnadu High Court order W.P.No. 38388 of 2016 dt.28-11-2016.
Madras High Court delivered a final judgment in W.P.No.38388 of 2016 dt. 28-11-2016 allowing the petitioner /practitioner to practice in the system without hindrances  in view of the Central Govt. policy decision dt. 05-05-2010 and Supreme Court of India order dt. 22-01-2015. Hence, there is no need to take permission from the Joint Director of Health, Vellore, District to practice Electropathy in Tamilnadu.

Government Orders :
Constitution of Expert Committee of Electropathy by Ministry of Health & F.W., Govt. of India on 16-05-1991 with the view to recognize the system.

An Expert Committee was constituted by the Health Ministry. Four senior officers were selected to represent the four pathy while the fifth one (Electropathy) all over India was allocated to Dr. N.K. Awasthy, Secretary, NEHM of India, New Delhi. Committee Members had visited Electropathy Institutions affiliated to NEHM of India for necessary inspection and submitted inspection report to the Ministry which was favor to the system.

Visit of Dy. Union Health Minister , Govt. of India dt.31-05-1991 to inspect the working of NEHM of India towards Promotion, Development & Research of Electropathy medical system.

On the direction of Prime Minister of India (Sh. Chandra  Shekhar Ji) the Hon’ble Dy. Minister of Health & F.W. Govt. of India along with research team visited the office of N.E.H.M. of India, New Delhi, to inspect the premises & its working. He was educated on how Electropathy medicine works on human body. After  having been satisfied, he categorically stated that NEHM of India, is the only organization today serving the cause of Electropathy. He assured us that he will put every possible effort, for this Institution as well the this medical system, on behalf of the Ministry.

Order of Dy. Minister, Ministry of Health & F.W., Govt. of India dt. 14-06-1991 & 17-06-1991.
Dy. Union Health Minister and his colleague submitted Inspection report to concerned Dept. of Health Ministry and thereafter he wrote in a official note that NEHM of India is only organization today serving the cause of Promotion, Development & Research of Electropathy medical system. It may be authorized for Promotion, Development & Research of Electropathy in India and thereafter on  17-06-1991 Hon’ble  Dy. Union Health Minister vide his D.O. Letter confirmed the Chairman, NEHM of India regarding authorization stating therein “I have authorized NEHM of India for Promotion, Development & Research of Electropathy in India”.

Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of NCT of Delhi Notification dt.20-06-2003.
Directorate of Health Services, Govt.   of    NCT of   Delhi   in correspondence with Union Health Ministry, Govt. of India has issued notification in light of the observation of Hon’ble Delhi High Court duly confirmed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India that NEHM of India may issue diploma/certificates & holders of such diploma/certificates obtained from NEHM of India are entitled to practice Electropathy system of medicines as stated in the order FAO No. 205/92 dt. 18-11-1998.

Central Govt. i.e. Ministry of Health & F.W. order No.V.25011/276/2009-HR dt.05-05-2010.
Dept. of Health Research, Ministry of Health & F.W., Govt. of   India after examine the facts  as well as judgments of various Courts and Supreme Court mentioned in the representation which was filed by Principal Secretary on 28-10-2009 so directed by the Hon’ble High Court of Allahabad on 03-08-2009, the Ministry   issued  the order no. V.25011/276/2009 (HR) dt. 5th May, 2010 stating therein that there is no proposal to stop the petitioner i.e. NEHM of India from practicing in Electropathy or imparting education. Further it has also been stated in the order dt. 05-05-2010 that once the legislation to recognize new system of medicine is enacted, any practice or education would be regulated in accordance with the said Act.

Later on order of Central Govt. dt. 05-05-2010 became a policy decision as per the order of Hon’ble Ahmedabad High Court dt. 31-08-2010 (Chief Justice Mr. S.J. Mukhopadhaya & Honorable Mr. Justice Anant S. Dave). The contents of the order as follows:
5 (ii)    “The Central Govt. having taken a policy decision by its letter dt. 05-05-2010, the respondent authorities, including the Surat Municipal Corporation and the State Govt., are bound to give weight age to the same, and to act in accordance with the law and judgments of different High Courts and Supreme Court, as referred in the Central Govt. letter aforesaid.

Recognition of Electropathy in Rajasthan State by introducing a Bill in Legislative Assembly.
With sincere efforts of NEHM of India and mutual corporation of Electropathy institution affiliated to it and registered practitioners of it, Rajasthan Government constituted Electropathy Legal & Scientific Analysis Committee consist of the Experts of Botanists, Pharmacologists, Clinical Research, Electropathy expert, Expert of other medical system viz. Senior Scientist -17, CMO-40, Legal Expert-5 and other Expert including Vice Chancellors of the Universities of Rajasthan Govt.-16. On the basis of the evidences and documents received and examined , the committee has a clear judgment that Electropathy is a simple, economical , accessible  and secure therapeutic approach, It must be recognized in the State. Taking into consideration the utility and merits of Electropathy, the committee expresses its thorough conviction and strongly recommends the State Government to draft essential law and initiate the statutory administrative process to grant due recognition to Electropathy in the state. Ultimately on 09-03-2018 the Assembly of Rajasthan Govt. has passed Electropathy System of Medicine Bill No. 13 of 2018 recognizing the system in Rajasthan State. Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan State has already signed on the Bill on 10th October, 2018. Therefore, Electropathy system of medicine is a recognized medical system in a state like Rajasthan.

According to Central Govt. Policy Decision dt. 05-05-2010, DHR, Ministry of Health & F.W., Govt. of India supposed to have make legislation for recognition to Electropathy but surprising that on 28-02-2017, DHR issued a notice Vide No.V.25011/436/2016-HR dt.28-02-2017 through portal/website inviting the proposals /suggestions from various stakeholders /public /supporters/promoters of alternative system of medicine, seeking recognition to any new system(s) of medicine accompany with relevant documents /literatures of the system. An Inter Departmental Committee (IDC) has also setup by DHR to look into the matter. NEHM of India consists of other 29 Boards / Institutions have submitted jointly proposal to IDC as per terms and reference laid down in the notice dt. 28-02-2017. Process is going on.

In India there are several Boards (85 approximately) are functioning unauthorized or incompetently doing Promotion, Development & Research but except NEHM of India no one has been permitted to conduct examination and award certificates. For example :

Order of Allahabad High Court dt. 26-05-2017 in SAD No.630/2016.
As per the judgment of Hon’ble Allahabad High Court in the matter of WP SAD No. 630/2016 dt.26-05-2017, the Institutions / Organizations/ Boards/ Councils registered only S.R.Act, 1860 have no right to conduct examination and even awards certificates . Hon’ble Court also directed CBI Department to investigate this matter by lodging FIR against such Institutions. A news item was also published in Print Media “Jansatta” dt. 01-06-2017. The matter was also upheld in the Apex Court through SLP No.24307 /2017 which was dismissed on 23-10-2017 by Hon’ble Apex Court
Order of Kolkatta High Court dt. 25-03-2014 in PIL W.P. No.9438 of 2014.

A PIL No. 9438 of 2014 has been filed in the High Court of West Bengal at  Calcutta with the view to restrain the operation of policy decision dt. 05-05-2010 because Electropathy practitioners of other Board not covered under the ambit / purview of policy decision dt. 05-05-2010 issued by Ministry of Health & F.W., Govt. of India. Hon’ble High Court during the debate of arguments found that said PIL was filed by petitioner on the basis of false averments and therefore, above PIL has been dismissed with cost. This matter was also upheld in Hon’ble Apex Court by filing SLP No.CC 16289/2016 which was dismissed by Hon’ble Apex Court.

Therefore, now there is no confusion that NEHM of India is only organization is covered under the ambit / purview of policy decision DT. 05-05-2010 issued by Ministry of Health & F.W., Govt. of India.

Right to conduct examination and award degree /diploma /certificates to only those Boards/ Organizations / Societies permitted either one of three Competent Authorities viz. Universities under UGC (Govt. of India), State Government and Judiciary. NEHM of India has already been permitted by Judiciary to conduct examination, award diploma / certificates vide order FAO No.205/92 dt.18-11-1998 passed by Hon’ble Delhi High Court duly re-affirmed by Hon’ble Apex Court dt. 24-11-2000. Therefore, NEHM of India itself is a Competent Authority of its kind i.e. for Electropathy education and practice in accordance with the order of Hon’ble High Court, Hon’ble Supreme Court as well as Central Govt. vide Policy Decision dt. 05-05-2010 which further re-affirmed by Hon’ble Apex Court dt. 22-01-2015 in terms of there is no ban on medical practice of Electropathy.

In addition to this so many such orders of different High Court in favor of NEHM of India which confirms that NEHM of India is a competent authority has full right to conduct examination, issue certificates and the holders are entitled to practice in the system.

In view of the above facts mentioned above in India NEHM of India, New Delhi is the only organization authorized for promotion, development & research of Electropathy medical system and being a competent authority, the persons qualified from and registered with it are fully entitled to practice Electropathy line of treatment.

In order to develop promptly among general public, NEHM of India offers some certification courses like BEMS (4½ years duration) and MDEH (2 years duration) through its affiliated institutions functioning throughout India as well as directly from the campus of it. Large number of persons after qualifying such courses is serving the society particularly in villages and far off areas of every nook and corners of the country. For more details and those who want to make career in this medical system, person can contact or visit NEHM of India, New Delhi.

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